You know we have two produce stands in Omaha. One on 120th and I St. and one on 204th and Wirt. But do you know why buying local produce is so much better than swinging into your local grocery store?


Nebraska has an incredible farming community. And great grocery stores. But a lot of our produce in the store is shipped in from climates that are able to grow produce all year round. Mexico, for instance, exports a lot of produce to our grocery stores—especially in the winter months.


On the other hand, produce bought from local stands is not just from Nebraska, but grown and picked local to Omaha. Maybe not everything. Avocados, for example, are almost impossible to grow here. But we’ve done the leg work to form a relationship with an American farm we know and trust for the best avocados. In fact, everything we offer at our stands, that we are unable to grow ourselves, is from a family farm in America that we respect and have a good relationship with.


Apart from avocados, the majority of our produce is grown locally, at our farm, just outside of Omaha. We have watched it mature from seedling to crop, picked it, and placed it at our stands just for you. When you stop by one of our farm stands, you know where your fruit and veggies came from. You have our quality guarantee. And we hope you know everything was grown with love and respect for the process of farming and for the consumer who will take it home.


Our produce isn’t picked before its ready. And it doesn’t sit in shipping containers for long periods of time. We consider maturity and ripeness in all that we do. Meaning, when you buy something from our stands, it’s ready or just about ready to be eaten. And we have a sweetness guarantee with our melons. If they are not up to your standards, bring them back and we’ll give you a new one. We’ll even help you pick it out!


Grocery stores are necessary for the rest of our lives though. And if you do find yourself shopping the produce section, check out the stickers before you buy. Look and see where the fruit or veggie was grown. Does the sticker say another country? Or somewhere locally? Sometimes there are even sections of produce boasting a farm in the Midwest. Our farm even sells to several of the grocery stores around here. Look for our A&T Farm signage.


Regardless of where or how you buy your produce, we just want you to get the best. Fruits and veggies are some of God’s greatest gifts to us. So don’t settle for something shipped from far away when we have a bountiful harvest right at home. Now until the end of October is a fantastic time for all the great fresh fruits and vegetables. Stop by a stand today and enjoy shopping—and eating—local! 


Fall has arrived!


What to do with Veggies?!?