Fall has arrived!
Fall is finally here! School is back in session, Husker games are back on TV and PSL is back on the menu at our fav coffee spots! Our Farm is starting to show all the right signs too. Our pumpkins are looking great, we’ve got gorgeous mums for sale, Apple Pie is our Friday night feature, and our Harvest Sunflower Patch is blooming!
Doesn’t that just make you excited for campfires and flannel?!
We just wanted to remind you of some exciting things coming up that will make this fall season your most favorite yet!
September 12th-17th the Farm will be closed so we can setup for Fall on the Farm. Join us in the evening of September 17th for a Pizza and Pie Night Fall on the Farm Grand Opening! And our huge Sunflower Patch will be open for photography!
September 18th-19th we’ll be open 9am to 9pm for more Fall on the Farm! Our fun fall experience is full of pumpkins, sunflowers, apple cider and so much more.
**Stands will remain open every day.
September 18th-19th—Truck and Tractor Days! This is a Farm favorite! We’ll have old and new trucks and tractors set up all over the farm for you to climb on, sit in and take a ride. It’s going to be a wonderful experience you don’t want to miss.
Pizza and Pie Nights—We have a couple left in September. The weather these last few Friday nights has been absolutely perfect. And we’re celebrating apple season with a couple versions of apple pie. Grab your friends and family and come spend Friday nights with us!
Sunflower Fest—We’ve got another patch of sunflowers blooming! This one is just as gorgeous and more than twice as big as our last one! We will have evening hours available again for professional and amateur photographers alike! $10/person