Merry Christmas from the Nelsons!
Can you believe Christmas is almost here? December seemed to fly by at record speed. In fact, this whole year seemed to be set on fast forward.
It feels like only yesterday we were making plans for our 2021 season, planting seeds, and welcoming baby animals to the farm. Now we’ve closed out the season, harvested all the crops and watched the cute little babies grow into adult animals who are still cute, but much less cuddly.
Christmas is such a special time on the Farm. Our donkeys remind us of Mary’s hard journey to Bethlehem for the Roman census. When we’re working in the barn, we easily think of Mary and Joseph and the unlikely accommodations they had to welcome their firstborn baby, Jesus. When we feed the sheep, we think of the shepherds in the fields, keeping watch. We imagine the angels who appeared to them to tell them about Jesus’ birth. And as we wrap presents for our girls to be opened Christmas morning, we think of the wisemen, who traveled the desert to meet this baby who would one day grow up to be the Savior of the world.
Christmas is a holiday for family, and friends, and loved ones. But it’s also the holiday where we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. And the sacrifices He made. First to come to earth as a baby, fully man, fully God. And then as a sacrifice for our sins. Crucified on the cross. But raised again in redemption and victory.
We’re praying peace over you this season. And wishing you a holiday full of hope and love.